Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's Official!

Adam has a job with Monrovia PD. Just got official word today. California here we come!


Erica said...

So so happy for you but so so sad for me.

My Blessed Life said...

I am so very sadly happy for you. We will miss you all so much.

Sarah said...

I have been praying for you like crazy, cuz I knew that adams enlistment was almost up, and he needed to get on somewhere. I'm excited for what God has in store, and will continue to pray for you guys. I love you! and I miss you!

God's Girl said...

Sigh... Yay for you guys! But you have to promise to come visit often. K?

We sure love you and your family!

God's Girl said...

Hey girl,

When are you leaving? Can we set up a time before you go?