Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Girls are sick

So the girls have been sick for the past couple of days and sudafed was not helping. So I called the doc. Monday morning but they had no appts so they referred us to urgent care. So I took the girls to an urgent not to far from our house and the wait was ridiculous!! But anyways we waited and finally got seen and long story short Hailey and Bella have strep throat =( and baby Jianna has pneumonia =( I started crying lol I cry for everything! But my little baby has pneumonia so I feel really bad for her. Thank God Adam came to the urgent care on his lunch break cuz they wound up giving Jianna a breathing treatment and a chest x-ray!!! I took this pic with my phone of her breathing treatment and as you can tell she was laughing! Adam and I thought they gave her laughing gas or something. But a little after that the laughter stopped and it got pretty tough to keep it on her.

So now all three girls are on all this medicine so just pray for their quick recovery and that Adam and I don't catch it either.


Perez' said...

Poor Babies! I've been there and done that!

Aimee- said...

Praying! It's tough when your little ones are sick!

Eveey said...

AWWWWWW!!! I hope they feel better!!!!

My Blessed Life said...

I am so sorry you have to go through this. I will be praying for all of you. Love ya girl.